Update 1.1.0: Key Config and Mac Builds!

Well, (some of you) wanted it, now (some of you) got it: [Speer] now allows you to remap your buttons any way you like, both for keyboards and joypads! Just jump into the new _Controls_ menu under _Options_ and get mapping! Want to play using X/Y? You can do that! Want to Jump with 6 and throw your Speer with Q? That's weird, but this is one game that's not gonna stop you.

"But Andrej!" I hear some of you cry. "I'm on a Mac! How will I get to enjoy this kickass new feature?" Worry not my friend, because...

[Speer] is now out on Mac!

Yes, while the game did run under Wineskin there now is a dedicated build for all you Apple people for smoother Speerin' with less hassle!

Thank you for all your support up until now. I still have a couple of things up my sleeve for [Speer] so keep an eye on this page and/or follow me on Twitter @ohsat_games to be kept up to date!


Full Game (Mac) 10 MB
Version 1.1.0 Jan 17, 2018
Full Game (Windows) 9.8 MB
Version 1.1.0 Jan 17, 2018
Full Game (Linux 64bit) 12 MB
Version 1.1.0 Jan 17, 2018
Full Game (Linux 32bit) 12 MB
Version 1.1.0 Jan 17, 2018

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